Founded in 1991 by two individuals passionate about water resources, Martin and Wood is one of the most respected consulting water resource firms in Colorado.


Now in our fourth decade, our strength lies in the depth of our experience and the diversity of our skills. We specialize in complicated or controversial technical water rights issues, water resource planning, and water-related analyses. We have the ability — and persistence — to stay with you for the long haul. 






Michelle Cunico Johnson, P.E. joined Martin and Wood in 2002. Her experience includes project management, planning and development of water resources, water conservation planning, water court resume review, water rights valuations, due diligence on water rights acquisitions, water yield studies, engineering support on water rights applications and objections, expert witness testimony, changes of water rights, development of plans for augmentation and exchange, water supply modeling, water rights administration, support on water operations, water rights accounting, water quality analyses, groundwater aquifer evaluations, groundwater well design, and GIS applications related to water resources.

Michelle is a licensed Professional Engineer in Colorado and is designated as an Engineering Expert Witness (EXW) by the American Council of Engineering Companies.


  • M.S. Geology (Hydrogeology), Portland State University, 2002

  • B.S. Geology, Portland State University, 1999

Craig M. Lis


Craig M. Lis, P.E., joined Martin and Wood more than a decade ago and has more than 30 years of related experience. He is directly involved in the review of water court applications, associated engineering reports and proposed rulings for Applicants and Opposers, and preparation of expert disclosures for the water court. Craig also works on Alternative Transfer Mechanisms including leasing-fallowing projects in the Arkansas River basin, as an alternative to the purchase of historically irrigation lands and then the subsequent dry-up of that land to support water user somewhere else (“buy and dry”). Craig's previous 24 years of experience include performing reviews and engineering analyses, and providing recommendations related to the adequacy of proposed water supplies and potential injury to decreed water rights, water court and litigation issues, surface and groundwater hydrology, and groundwater and surface water computer models.

Craig's experience also includes review and approval of substitute water supply plans and well permit applications, acting as a liaison between clients and other water users, state and federal agencies, and negotiating terms and conditions for water court decrees.


  • B.S. Geological Engineering, Colorado School of Mines, 1985

  • B.S. Geology, Fredonia State University - Fredonia, New York, 1983

Cristyn R. Radabaugh

principal Engineer

Cristy Radabaugh, P.E. has been working on water projects since 2000. She is directly involved with water rights projects, water resources planning and evaluations, expert witness work, changes of water rights, water supply availability and exchange modeling, water rights accounting, and project management. Her work also includes historical use analyses, design and implementation of augmentation plans and substitute water supply plans, evaluation and implementation of alternative transfer methods (ATMs) including leasing-fallowing projects, GIS applications related to water resources, evaluations and quantification of water supply yields under varying conditions, municipal water planning, water demand estimates, and expert testimony in Colorado’s water courts. She is currently working on water-related projects for industrial, municipal, public, and private parties in the Colorado River basin, the South Platte River basin, and the Arkansas River basin.

Cristy has been qualified as an expert in the Water Court for Water Division I, is a licensed professional engineer in the State of Colorado, and is designated as an Engineering Expert Witness (EXW) by the American Council of Engineering Companies. She served on the Board of Directors for the Colorado Section of the American Water Resources Association from 2013 to 2017.


  • M.S. Civil Engineering (Water Resources), University of Colorado – Denver, 2011

  • B.E. Civil Engineering (Environmental), Vanderbilt University, 2000


principal Engineer/ hydrogeologist

Keith Buckley, RG, P.E. is a civil engineer and hydrogeologist with over 35 years experience in planning, exploration, design, and construction of water supply projects in western North America from Arizona to Alaska. His experience includes well and pump station construction project management, preparation of contracts and specifications for public and private projects, construction inspection, field engineering, well and aquifer testing, groundwater flow computer modeling, and expert support in water rights litigation.


  • BS Geology-Geophysics, Northern Arizona University



Logan Burba, P.E. has more than 15 years of experience on Colorado water projects. Logan’s experience includes water efficiency planning and implementation, drought response program development and planning, integrated water resources planning, engineering support on water rights applications and objections, and modeling to support complex water supply and demand challenges. She has extensive experience with regional cooperative projects including implementing and operating regional water supply plans, managing stakeholder engagement, and designing and implementing regional efficiency and education programs. Logan integrates a wide range of technical, operational, and planning experience with interpersonal skills to develop creative solutions for clients. Logan is experienced working with municipalities, developers, property owners, and utilities in the South Platte, Arkansas, Rio Grande, and Colorado River basins.


  • B.S. Civil Engineering, Colorado State University, 2007


Tara MeiningeR

Senior Project Engineer

Tara Meininger, P.E. has been working on water projects since 2013. She specializes in water planning and water rights projects, including water rights management and accounting, municipal water efficiency planning, drought planning, water right yield analyses, water valuations, hydrologic modeling, and engineering to support water court cases. She has experience working with municipalities, developers, property owners, and utilities in the South Platte, Colorado, Arkansas, San Juan, and Yampa River basins.


  • M.S. Water Resources Engineering, Oregon State University, 2012

  • B.S. Geology and Geophysics, Yale University, 2004


Chase Van Alstine

project Hydrogeologist

Chase Van Alstine, P.G. has been involved in providing technical support for Federal water rights negotiation and litigation cases and water resources planning studies since 2012. He specializes in aquifer characterization studies, technical evaluation of groundwater flow systems and aquifer sustainability, mapping groundwater flow systems, numerical groundwater flow modeling, analytical evaluation of well pumping and wellfield sustainability, groundwater and springs impact analysis, groundwater monitoring planning, and groundwater field studies. He also has experience implementing groundwater and surface water flow monitoring networks, constructing and refining groundwater flow models for Indian and Federal water rights claims support, evaluating groundwater flow models, overseeing well drilling and development, logging shallow and deep test wells, conducting short-term and intermediate term pumping tests under various aquifer conditions, and serving on technical committees assigned to Indian water rights negotiation cases.


  • B.S. Geology, Colorado State University, 2012

isabel whitehead

staff water resources engineer

Isabel Whitehead, E.I. joined Martin and Wood in 2024 and has a passion for Colorado water issues. She provides technical support for projects related to water supply planning, water resources modeling, historical consumptive use analyses, water rights evaluations and analyses, water operations and accounting, and assists with mapping, data gathering and research. She grew up in the Durango area and has experience working with developers, property owners, utilities, and municipalities. Isabel is currently pursuing her graduate degree through the University of Colorado Boulder’s Masters of the Environment Program, focusing on Natural Resources and Environmental Policy and enjoys working at the intersection of science and politics.


  • B.S. Civil Engineering, Colorado School of Mines, 2021



Tristan Loar has 10 years of experience in customer service, office management, marketing, and accounting. As the office administrator he has a variety of duties, including accounting, banking, customer support, invoicing, and office support for the team.


  • B.A. Business Administration, New Mexico Highlands University, 2011

Our Founders

Joe Tom Wood

Joe Tom Wood & Phil Martin started Martin and Wood in 1991. As an engineer and hydrogeologist team, Joe Tom specialized in surface water resources and Phil Martin specialized in groundwater resources. Joe Tom and Phil built M&W into the company it is today by developing trusting relationships with our long-term clients, providing excellent service, and mentoring our staff.

After many years of dedicated service, Phil retired in 2012 and Joe Tom retired in 2017. Phil retired to Florida where he spends his time sailing, playing piano, volunteering with Engineers Without Borders, and traveling with his wife Madie. Joe Tom retired to California where he spends his time reading books, taking classes at Stanford, going for walks, and spending time with his wife Holly and his 7 children and 11 grandchildren.

Today M&W strives to honor Phil and Joe Tom’s legacy by providing exceptional water resource engineering, planning, and hydrogeological services in Colorado.


Phil Martin