Joe Tom Named a Water Buffalo!

This week, our co-founder and principal Joe Tom Wood was inducted into the Ancient and Honorable Order of the Water Buffalo at the Colorado Water Congress summer conference held in Steamboat Springs. Sponsored by the Water Law section of the Colorado Bar Association, the Water Buffalo distinction is like a “hall of fame” for water professionals. It honors Joe Tom’s long career in water resources and his positive impact on our industry.

Along with Joe Tom’s clients, all of us at Martin and Wood have benefited greatly from the experience, passion, and fun that Joe Tom brought to work every day for his 48-year career in water resources engineering.

Joe Tom was honored and thrilled to be included with so many prior Water Buffalo inductees with whom he has tremendous respect. As part of his acceptance speech, Joe Tom related that the thing he loved most about his engineering career is “the people.” This was demonstrated by the fact that his very good friend Doug Clements from Spronk Water Engineers presented Joe Tom at the induction. Joe Tom and Doug have maintained their close friendship despite years of working against each other, including through many long and tough Water Court trials.

We want to congratulate Joe Tom on this prestigious award!
